Your Feet and the Beach - Suffolk Foot and Ankle

Your Feet and the Beach

Your Feet and the Beach

Summer is almost here and that means it’s almost beach time! Aside from the beautiful view of the ocean, did you know walking on the beach has many health benefits? Here are a few reasons why walking and running on sand is something you should consider…

    • You know that mild struggle you feel when take a step forward in dry sand and your foot sinks a bit trying to get traction? That’s your muscles at work! Scientists say it takes 2.1–2.7 times more energy to walk or run on sand than it does to move at the same pace on hard surfaces. That energy is used to strengthen all the muscles between your feet and back, especially your calves, quadriceps and glutes. 
    • Health advocates say that walking barefoot at the beach grounds us.  At the very least, it reconnects us to nature’s beauty which helps reduce stress as life finds perspective. It is so relaxing that most people walk further distances than they normally would on treadmills, tracks or city streets.  Pedometer steps increase without effort.
    • Instead of pounding your joints and feet on hard pavement, sand acts as a natural cushion as well as a natural exfoliant! Wet sand acts as an exfoliant that helps peel dead skin cells from your body. Try it out by walking or running in loose sand and then wandering into the path of shallow waves from time to time to wash it off. It will work for the rest of your body, too!

For a short stroll down the beach bare feet are fine, but if you are going to walk a longer distances then make sure you walk in shoes. If you have any question or concern about your feet and/or ankles, please don’t hesitate to reach out! 

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